Sunday, March 01, 2009


He has a tiny mole above the left side of his lip.
And when he gets excited, he chews the inside of his cheek.
He is a master of sarcasm--
When he has something clever to say,
the right side of his mouth curls up
like he is trying to imitate Elvis.
His chest is oddly misshapen.
I could eat Cheerios out of it if I wanted to.

Without his ribs cradling my back at night,
I almost feel naked.
His legs are lean and lanky,
but I feel secure when he wraps them around my body.
I do not have to wonder about all of this,
for i have inhaled him countless times.
And I feel alive.

For Mr. Harrison

I hear that Mother Nature's son has passed along,
and as my tears mingle with the shower's rain,
I want to devour the soap impression I've made
of him on the tiles with my fingertips.

I have been living with my eyes closed--
Yes, I have,
and so I must fix this hole where the rain
sometimes gets in
it is not dying
it is knowing
that we are all only sleeping,
waiting for the game existence to end.

**I tried something different with this poem; I used lyrics from Beatle's songs for most of the composition, except lines 2 and 4 are mine.**